Name: Chris Jones
Home: Davidson, NC
Age: 32
Years of Running: 17
Why Do I Run? Wow, too many reasons to list this point running is a big part of who I am. I'm not sure what will happen down the road, but I feel blessed to have had a good running career, even if it were to end tomorrow. Still whittling away at PR's though, so I guess I'm a late bloomer when it comes to getting faster.
Favorite Running Shoes: Asics Bandito
Running Insights: A few based on my experience: (1) Mileage is the #1 predictor of faster race times, but must be developed and built up very slowly (we are talking YEARS of progression here, not weeks or months). (2) Strength-training will help you stay injury-free - I do 2-3 30 minute sessions a week working all parts of the body. (3) Walking is a good way to cross-train and keep the blood flowing; I like taking a 20-30 minute walk during the afternoon if I do a fast session in the morning.
Where Do You Train: Primarily the roads and trails in the Davidson and Cornelius areas.
Favorite Race Distance: Don't really have a favorite....5K to marathon, and everything in between.
Miles Per Week: Usually 50 or so. During recent marathon training, I've been able build up into 80's without a problem though.
Favorite Race: The Great Race, a point-to-point 10K in Pittsburgh PA. The event usually pulls out 10-12,000 runners. Scenic, fast, and fun.
Proudest Race Accomplishment: 53rd place in the 2008 Marine Corp Marathon (editor's note - 2:46:28). Though I think this answer may change based on how good my training and racing has been of late!
Heroes: My grandfather George Dill. He was a mayor, a pharmacist, and a funeral home director all at the same time (not to mention an active churchgoer and a leading member of many commissions, clubs and activities). He died when I was 4 but I remember taking walks with him and swinging on the porch swing.
Thanks, Chris, and keep up the blistering pace!